February Birthstone - Amethyst


If you were born in February, Amethyst is your birthstone! Amethyst is a stunning purple gemstone which has been valued throughout history, and is renowned for its calming, soothing properties. So why is Amethyst so popular and what does Amethyst mean? Here are a few fun facts about Amethyst, the birthstone of February.

What colour is Amethyst?

Amethysts come in shades from bright vivid purple to deep violet-blue hues, but can be found with a mix of colours, usually some variation of red or orange alongside their main purple hue. Some of our favourite coloured Amethysts are Rose Amethysts or Pink Amethysts.

Where is Amethyst found?

Amethysts can be found all over the world, but some of the most notable deposits are located in Brazil, Uruguay and Madagascar.

What does the word ‘Amethyst’ mean?

The word ‘Amethyst’ comes from the Greek word ametusthos which means 'not intoxicated'.

Why is Amethyst said to be a symbol of peace?

Amethysts are believed to have calming and protective properties, as well as being associated with spirituality. Amethysts are said to help the wearer focus on their dreams and goals in life, while also providing protection from negative energies.

So what kind of Amethyst can you buy?

Amethyst crystals, towers and cathedrals make perfect decor pieces for any home, while jewellery made from Amethyst is popular among those born in February or anyone looking for an eye-catching piece of beautiful crystal jewellery. Amethysts come in all shapes and sizes, so you can find something that catches your eye no matter what style you're after.

What does Amethyst mean if it’s your birthstone?

For those born in February, wearing Amethyst is seen as a way to celebrate your birth month and bring good luck into your life. Amethysts have long been said to be powerful healing stones, with some believing that Amethyst can help reduce stress, boost self-confidence, and even increase creativity.

What kind of Amethyst jewellery can you wear?

Why not show off your February pride by wearing Amethyst jewellery? Amethysts come in every kind of jewellery you could imagine - from simple Amethyst necklaces and Amethyst bracelets, to statement Amethyst earrings and Amethyst rings. Amethysts make the perfect gift for anyone born in February, or just looking for a beautiful, eye-catching accessory.

Why should I buy an Amethyst?

Amethyst is an elegant gemstone that has long been associated with peace, tranquility and power - so why not add a little Amethyst to your life? Whether you're born in February or just looking for a unique piece of jewellery, Amethysts are sure to bring something special into your life. Amethyst is the perfect February birthstone - and it can bring a whole lot of luck with it too!

Drop into The Opal Centre and explore our Amethyst jewellery, Amethyst gemstone and Amethyst crystal collections.

Olivia Deskoski